Annai Fathima Child Welfare Centre

  • Being recognized and registered (41/83) by the State Government of Tamil Nadu, India as one of the best NGO for its true social activities. The organization being a minority institution was awarded its recognition after 3 years from its establishement.
  • Awarded 80G to be exempted from the Tax payment.

Annai Fathima Child Welfare Centre, has worked out it’s best to provide quality and best education possible to the children. Mrs.Rani Krishnan did not stop the dreams of the children under her care, rather she encouraged them to think about their future and helped the children to achieve it. As everyone realizes the importance of education Mrs.Rani Krishnan also gave more importance for the children’s education by collecting funds from many people to educate a single child. It’s a known fact that parents do feel difficult to educate their own children but Mrs.Rani Krishnan with the help from many people molded many abandoned children into Graduates.

Children of Annai Fathima Child Welfare Centre at the early 80’s

The trust was started at the early 80’s with 10 children and only in a thatched roofed room was available to Mrs.Rani Krishnan and the children of the Annai Fathima Trust. The picture shows Mrs.Rani Krishnan, Mr.Krishnan and Mrs.Alphonse Mary mother of Mrs.Rani Krishnan. But now after a sheer hard work and sacrifice of Mrs.Rani Krishnan for 25 years have made the centre a place to accommodate nearly 150 children of which 30 Tsunami affected people and children have also got the shelter of this growing institution, which will definitely become a place to provide shelter for more people with the grace of the Lord and sponsors like you.

Marriage hosted by Mrs.Rani Krishnan.

Mrs.Rani Krishnan does not stop with nursing of children and senior citizens but she extents her activity till more like a mother, where she also finds a bride for the girls brought up under her care, from the beginning till now she has arranged the marriage for 23 women, by collecting funds and the house hold requirements required to lead a domestic life as she firmly believes that its her duty to provide a secured life in future.