About Mrs.Rani Krishnan

Mrs.Rani Krishnan, being a native of Trichy lead her life as simple as possible which was very contradictory with her siblings. During her childhood she took her education at Holy Cross Convent in Trichy where she became very popular for her simplicity and serving nature at the age of 10. Rev Sister Elizebth Rose President of the Holy Convent was very convinced and happy on the activities done by Mrs.Rani Krishnan and taught her more about servicing to become a true social worker. Thereby Mrs.Rani Krishnan quitting her studies after 10th started to serve the convent along with the other nuns. As Mrs.Rani Krishnan’s mother was a second wife to Mr.Arokiasamy, she did not like the treatment given to her by her father compared to his first wife’s children. Hence she utilized the accommodation provided by the convent and did all the domestic work for both the management and the students.

After few years Mr.Arokiasamy passed away from this world, while all his properties were sandaled by his relatives leaving nothing for his children. Hence along with her family Mrs.Rani Krishnan came to Chennai as they felt ashamed to live any more there to hear the insulting words from others. Now Mrs.Rani Krishnan being at the age of 16 took herself responsible to take care of her mother along with her brothers and sisters. Mrs.Rani Krishnan did face all the struggle a girl would face at her teenage and the troubles given to her from the society. Mrs.Rani Krishnan earned her families bread by selling dress materials to various institutions like the Stella Maries and the Queen Maries.

She also did door to door marketing to earn more for her family. This struggle of hers continued until she got an employment at the Chief Ministers office to collect the petitions from the public. She continued her service with sincerity and truthfulness which was a great plus for her character. Before his period of life in this world, the Chief Minister Thiru M.G.Ramachandran learnt the social desires of Mr.Rani Krishnan and provided her land to start her beautiful service for the poor and needy. Now Mrs.Rani Krishnan is the Founder & Secretary of the Annai Fathima Trust which maintains the Annai Fathima Child Welfare Centre and Annai Illam, a home for the abandoned children and the senior citizens respectively. Mrs.Rani Krishnan is also the Founder & Secretary of the Women’s Liberation Organization, an organization fighting for the justice of women for the past 18 years. Her dream and ambition in this life, given to her by the Almighty is to eradicate poverty and illiteracy. Mrs.Rani Krishnan is marching towards her ambition by the support provided by our donors like you


Mrs.Rani Krishnan gets the privilege to be trained under the guidance of Bharathratna Mother Theresa.

This is one of the most unforgettable moments of Mrs.Rani Krishnan in her service career. She was invited by the best social worker Bharathratna Mother Theresa to her institute situated at Calcutta, India. Mrs.Rani Krishnan did not miss the privilege given to her and she was serving the needy along with the Mother for 3 full months. Receiving the blessings and encouragements from the Mother, Mrs.Rani Krishnan continues her service till today.


Mrs. Rani Krishnan is wished by (Late) former MP,Founder & President of Tamil Maanila Congress Thiru.G.K.Moopanaar.

One of the dynamic leader of the past Thiru G.K.Moopanaar being very satisfied by the service rendered by Mrs.Rani Krishnan, conveyed his hearty congratulations and become the patron of Annai Fathima Child Welfare Centre and Annai Illam from 1985. He being a noble person and a person of helping heart helped Mrs.Rani Krishnan throughout her efforts by providing both political and financial support. Few of his assistance given to us like funds to raise a building with an area of 2500 sq.ft, and funds towards the marriages of the abandoned people and much more were a great support to Mrs.Rani Krishnan and she is very pleased to say that” though Thiru G.K.Moopanaar is not physically present in this world today, he lives among the midst of the Annai Fathima Trust.”


Mrs.Rani Krishnan is recognized consistently by (Late) former Prime Minister Thiru Rajiv Gandhi.

After an year or so from the first meeting of Mrs.Rani Krishnan with Thiru Rajiv Gandhi the former Prime Minister of India, Mrs.Rani Krishnan was once again asked to meet the former Prime Minister to provide the required help for the Annai Fathima Trust. Thereby he allocated the required resources for the organization. Until his existence Thiru Rajiv Gandhi provided us the support possible by him.


Mrs.Rani Krishnan being awarded for her social service by MP,President of Tamil Maanila Congress Thiru G.K.Vasan.

The photo depict the appreciation given by Thiru G.K.Vasan to Mrs.Rani Krishnan for her continues service rendered to the abandoned children and senior citizens for the past 25 years. Thiru G.K.Vasan being the son of Late Thiru G.K.Moopanaar, did continue the support to Annai fathima Trust carried by his father who is considered to be his role model. He provided the funds to build the Annai Fathima Nursery & Primary School which was constructed with the Rs.7,00,000 from the MP fund. Not only this ,but after his father Thiru G.K.Vaasa continued to be a patron of the Annai Fathima Trust. He constantly provides the basic amenities such as food, clothing and books for the chidren of the trust . Thiru G.K.Vasan did not stop his helping hand towards the senior citizens and he provided the love required for the abandoned senior citizens by participating as the chief guest on the International Old Age Day hosted by Mrs.Rani Krishnan every year. Thiru G.K.Vasan celebrates the Christmas Eve with the Trust like his beloved father and gives away new clothes and sweets in spite of his busy schedule.We the entire trust Pray to the Almighty for his good living and success.


Mrs.Rani Krishnan being appreciated by the MP,President of All India Congress Committee Tmt Sonia Gandhi.

As god is always there to support the poor and needy,god gave Mrs.Rani Krishnan an opportunity to be recognized by the MP,President of AICC Tmt Sonia Gandhi, who recognized the beautiful service rendered by Mrs.Rani Krishnan for the enlistment of the abandoned children and senior citizens for the past 25 years.


Mrs.Rani Krishnan meets the former Prime Minister Thiru Rajiv Gaandhi

For the first time after sheer hard work of service Mrs.Rani Krishnan got herself recognized by the former Prime Minister Thiru Rajiv Gandhi to give his hearty congratulation for her renown service rendered by her for the benefit of the society.


Mrs.Rani Krishnan being blessed by the senior citizens.

It’s a great blessings for Mrs.Rani Krishnan from god to get the goodwill of the senior citizens who with full love and appreciation convey their precious blessings. Every day all the senior citizens of Annai Illam take it a privilege to bless the lady who takes care of them as her own mother.